I'm a frontend developer in the greater Vancouver, BC area. After becoming burnt out at my last position over a year ago, I've had no success in finding further work and don't have all that much motivation to continue the endless cycle of humouring recruiters and sending resumes out. Not because I don't like software development, more so because of the cost of continued attempts and lack of potentially inspiring outcomes (technical, very time intensive interviews with very few compelling companies worth the effort) that I am qualified for.
Anyhow, I'd like to apply at companies that, for lack of a better description, essentially pay minimum wage and require building basic skill that I may not have developed in software. Like Starbucks, McDonalds, retail. However, computers and software are pretty much all I know and all I have on my resume. I'm reasonably outgoing, well spoken, and have some confidence that I can work with others, but making the backwards transition from my career to a more basic jobby job (no intention of being derogatory here) is surprisingly unclear.
Edit: Part of the intention as well, is to build versatile skills that might allow more job flexibility in the future. For example if I were to travel and work without requiring a skilled worker visa.
My friend at Flurry selling mobile ads (in 2012) made over a million in one year flat. During that year - selling mobile ads was like selling drugs behind a school. If Flurry pulls in 30million from your accounts, 1million is just a write off. When I lived in a nicer area of PacHeights in SF, my neighbors with houses were in SALES: oracle, real estate, franchises , on and on. Javascript progammers? No.
Applying a new cool bootstrap theme to a website or making that node.js app is cool, but the value it adds? You are too far down the value stick. One of my sales friends told me a horrifying statement: "Once we finish signing the paperwork, everyone else is worthless." It is true. They can get new programmers, new teams, new infrastructure, new products, hell, money buys anything.
You can do what this guy does. You probably will need a suite and a smile. But I think he makes more than everyone on this thread combined. ALSO. If you passed his desk around 2pm on friday? It would be empty.