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Researchers unlock an immunity ’black box’ (stjude.org)
92 points by baalcat on April 19, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Wow, this could be huge. Autoimmune diseases are legion.

Um, no, this is a mouse study adding evidence for a link across some heavily studied pathways. One of my advisers cloned Il-1 30 years ago, and MyD88 is a well-studied protein in lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. They've been working on this for a long time. It's hard. This is a step. Like many before it. And many after it.

Thanks for level headed input.

The majority of technological advancement is done by cautious, slow research not by frenetic leaps and bounds.

"Euraka" moments are fiction; what you get instead is "Huh, that's funny" (afaik).

Subparent that started this. Having had a eureka moment, they definitely exist. That said, it's still 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. In my case, it's more like 0.00001% inspiration, and all the rest is perspiration.

Debatable. What about "the greatest" advancements?

A little from column A, a little from column B. Einstein worked on relativity for a decade, i think. Newton looks to have spent about 8 years sorting out calculus. A professor once said the Fourier transform was worked out over a couple of weeks in a French chateau accompanied by Fourier's lover. I've never found a source other than that prof's story though.

For me, and i suspect most people, when i work on something hard, i have a lot of ideas. most of them suck. some of them are promising but kind of die on the vine. That one sweet answer though, that idea is memorable. i think it's memorable because of the weeks, months, or years spent validating the idea is good enough.

I agree. Learning everything about something without getting too attached to any point of view makes big leaps forward possible.

Any idea if the skin inflammatory conditions here share a common cause with cold urticaria, allergy to cold? A family member gets skin rashes when exposed to freezers at the grocery store or the freezer at home.

OK, then, a step.

Fitting username.

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