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Thank you very much for posting this --- this is exactly the information which was missing from the Twitter thread!

(My concern was that the twitter basically contained nothing of any content: no technical details, no link to a blog post, nothing which can be checked or verified... which makes it indistinguishable from insinuation; and so I have to dismiss what you said out of hand.)

(Regarding provocative language: I don't think publicly calling someone out as a liar, in so many words, particularly on a medium like Twitter which doesn't really allow for an effective response, is particularly effective in producing a useful result...)


Re the manifest issue: to paraphrase, to check I'm understanding you correctly: because each manifest refers to its predecessor, and not vice versa, adding any blob which looks like a manifest implicitly adds that manifest to the tree. Normally Fossil trusts authenticated users to add blobs to the tree, because they're authenticated, but ticket attachments can be added by anyone, which effectively means that you can bypass the authentication and commits can be done by anyone. Is that correct?

In which case, yeah, I agree; that's very bad. I can't spot any holes in your reasoning. It is possible to positively identify attachments by looking at their parent manifest, as each one should be pointed at by an A record, so I suppose you could disallow manifests if they're referenced like this, but my gut tells me that's going to be horribly fragile... you're right, adding a type prefix is obviously the right way to go.

If you create a manifest and check it in as a normal file, so it's referenced by an F record, is it still treated as a manifest? If not, could this machinery be extended to attachments as well?

You did bring this up on the mailing list, right?

When adding an attachment in Fossil, if the attachment is syntactically similar to a structural artifact (such as a manifest), then the attachment is compressed prior to being hashed and stored, thus making it very dissimilar to a manifest and incapable of being confused with a manifest. Hence, it is not possible for someone to add a new manifest as an attachment and have that confuse the system. Furthermore, there is an audit trail so that should an attacker discover and exploit some bug in the previous mechanism and manage to get a manifest inserted via an attachment, then the rogue manifest can be easily identified and "shunned".

Users with commit privileges are granted more trust and do have the ability to forge manifests. But as before, there is an audit trail and rogue manifests (and the users that insert them) can be detected and dealt with after the fact.

Structural artifacts have a very specific and pedantic format. You can forge a structural artifact, but you will never generate one by accident during normal software development activities.

Isn't the problem here, though, that they can be forged? If, by attaching a structural artifact in the correct format to a ticket, we're effectively allowing people without commit privileges to make commits --- potentially anonymous people.

I agree that this isn't likely to happen by accident, but Fossil servers are usually public facing, so we have to worry about malice as well.

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