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If I ever made analog audio equipment professionally, I would add an entire series of switches and dials that weren't wired up to anything.

You could label them like "warmth", "aggressiveness", "heart", and have people go apeshit trying to figure out the best setting for their song.


Zest, Ennui, Anticipation

Frobulator on iOS has "orbit", "vexity", "doubt".

Back in the 70's, a friend of mine created a formula where the inputs were number of switches, number of dials, and number of meters and would output the price. It was remarkably close at predicting the price of most any stereo receiver/amplifier in the stereo store.

One standout anomaly was the Heathkit 250W amp, which just had an on/off switch and 2 meters.

Just make sure the dials go up to eleven! For that one more, that extra push over the cliff.


Eddie Van Halen did precisely that to his guitar.

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