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I see where you're coming from -- its not a good thing to give excuses to people that hinder their growth. But...

Theres this notion of a "highly sensitive person". I hate describing a person as sensitive because it kind of implies a person that watches romantic comedies all day, but, if you take "sensitive" as a person with hightened awareness of subtle cues, theres a plausible basis to think that there are people that just are way more sensitive. Imagine if every sound you heard was twice as loud as what everyone else heard. On the one hand, you would have super hearing, but on the other hand, you would probably hate loud concerts.I'm not saying introverts ear better, but maybe they pick up on things you dont, and maybe every element costs a little bit more energy.

So like, yeah, some people use introversion as an excuse not to grow, but some other people pick up on 5x more detail than their more normal compatriots and find themselves thusly exhausted a lot quicker.

I'm kind of in your boat where I see facebook acquaintances sharing articles about introversion or aspergers and im like "maybe you just need some social skills" but I dont think the condition doesnt exist.

I would identify myself as an introvert, and I feel differently. I don't hear everything at twice the volume; I hear everything at half the volume, while loud background music plays. Every interaction, I'm having to watch for those cues more carefully, I'm having to strain to listen.

That's why I feel like an introvert; socializing with people is fun, but will eventually drain me.

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