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Sorry. I've used Gnome, Unity, and KDE extensively. There is an incredible amount of work that goes into them sure but they are definitely not polished.

I'm the definition of UnixPorn junkie and customize my linux box to the hilt but even I have to admit when there is a benefit of standardization and the work the elementary people are doing.

I did not say gnome and KDE. I specifically mentioned gnome on Fedora and KDE on opensuse.

I used elemeentary os at work for a while.

Looked great at the first view.

Months after using it became a living hell to work with it.

The delay between app switches is a shit.

Swiched to GNOME/Debian. Never looked back.

Any idea what causes the slow app switches?

So, do you have examples of that or anything?

Because otherwise I can just proclaim that GNOME, Unity and KDE are polished and then we're at opinion vs. opinion.

I mean, I don't even really think that Unity is terribly polished, but someone else might (e.g. the commenter you replied to), and then your opinion is not any better than their opinion.

I'm not sure what you mean by polish. Is it perfect? No. Is it better than say OS X and stays much more out of your way? For me GNOME 3 does a much better job than OS X.

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