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At least with respect to ordered kwargs, the spec is changing:


I believe it's an implementation detail that in cpython 3.6, dict and odict are essentially equivalent now, but it's an implementation detail which is there to support an official feature of the language.

If your project can sustain a minimum version of (the as yet unreleased) Python 3.6, I don't see why you shouldn't begin to rely on this feature straightaway.

Ugh. This is all bad.

This just isn't the sort of thing that benefits from fucking with.

This is imposing a slight but not-insignificant open-ended technical debt on the whole of the Python ecosystem, for what seems to me to be very obscure benefits.

> obscure benefits

1. No need for metaclasses simply to make the class construction locals dict an ordered dict. ORM library devs will be happy.

2. No need to pass a list of tuples when you wanted to pass keyword arguments. That's a big win for usability.

> technical debt

The language spec will say that class construction locals and kwargs are insertion-ordered, but other dicts are ordered according to the whims of the interpreter. What is causing technical debt?

> This just isn't the sort of thing that benefits from [change].

The core devs say that status quo is the sane default. They're not just mucking about for the amusement of code churn.

> The language spec will say that class construction locals and kwargs are insertion-ordered, but other dicts are ordered according to the whims of the interpreter. What is causing technical debt?

The debt will accrue in the wider ecosystem. The spec doesn't guarantee dicts are ordered, but people will rely on it. Then, when a new dict implementation comes along, all code written based on a (then) correct assumption (but not based on the spec) suddenly stops working.

If that happens -- people begin to rely on dict order -- the core devs will consider that when deciding whether or not to change the implementation.

Or they could just flush this now and save all the trouble.

Dicts with integer keys have always had a very predictable order. Do you consider that technical debt?

Only if someone writes (and shares widely, to be used) code that depends on it.

I've [ab]used the stability of dict order when you haven't modified the dict in the meantime, in one-off scripts.

But I wouldn't write code that depended on predicting dict key order though, that seems a bit too much to me.


For me, I feel that a Python syntax text should run unmodified on as many interpreters as possible, cPython, Pypy, Jython, Brython et. al., embedded, etc. There are lots of Python and Pythonish runtimes out there, beyond just what core dev produces.

If I can write code that works on most of those systems out-of-the-box that's a huge win from my point of view.

It should be clear that changing the semantics of the interpreter, even in subtle ways, puts a burden onto anyone hoping to maintain parity in their own runtime, yes?

> It should be clear that changing the [behavior] of the interpreter, even in subtle ways, puts a burden onto anyone hoping to maintain parity in their own runtime, yes?

No, that's not clear. Any changes to the language specification put a burden on the maintainers of interpreters/compilers. Any extra changes to the CPython interpreter do not. You argued that behavior of CPython becomes its own spec, beyond that of Python itself, but this does not seem to be the case. There are a bunch of optimizations that CPython does, like caching small ints, that programmers do not tend to rely on and do not form a sort of shadow-spec for other interpreters.

You might say that dict keys staying in insertion order is more useful than the other CPython idiosyncrasies and therefore will become a shadow-spec, unlike the others. That's possible, but let's consider the risk.

Pythonistas have done just fine without this behavior for a while. There's OrderedDict, but it was added in 2008, relatively late. If there had been lots of demand/usage, I'd have expected it to be added earlier. PEP 372 [0] indicates that use in a metaclass was one of the big motivations, which was only enabled the year before.

When a new Pythonista considers this issue, they are likely to search the internet for discussion and will find commentary on OrderedDict. I expect most will use OrderedDict when appropriate.

The riskiest group would be folks porting code from PHP and Ruby, or other languages that have a core mapping type that keeps insertion order according to the language spec. They'd just expect a Python dict to behave the same way and won't bother to read about it. To evaluate the impact of this change, we should ask how much porting from PHP/Ruby/etc. do we expect to occur, how likely is it that dict implementation will drop insertion ordering in the future, and how much benefit does this implementation provide.

Based on the explanation of the memory and compute savings, this new dict implementation sounds like a good idea.

Also, Ruby made the change in 2009 to the language spec. I'm not an expert Rubyist, but AFAICT it hasn't caused any problems for their community.

[0] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0372/

> No need for metaclasses simply to make the class construction locals dict an ordered dict. ORM library devs will be happy.

understatement with that. Saw someone trying to avoid using a metaclass for that, "had" to use descriptor objects which all used the same global counter to work out their order

Hey, guess what? Just don't use metaclasses. At all, for anything. Done.

GvR called it "The Killing Joke" for a reason.

This is a clear case of "negative productivity": People are working "harder than a cat trying to bury a turd on a marble floor" to pee in my soup. It makes me grumpy.

what, not using metaclasses in that case caused more "issues" than would of been caused by using metaclasses

multiple global values to track state, since can't bind the state to the class' creation, since the conversion to the final form of the class happened after its creation, vs being able to bind the state to the class' creation, since the conversion happens as the class is created

Knowing nothing more about this codebase than the above, I would fire everyone and make the CEO's nephew write it. It could hardly turn out worse and it would be a lot cheaper.

(I'm joking, but only barely.)

The reduced usecase (story?) is the following

The customer requests the following

    class somename (?):
        an_attr_a = ADescriptor(somestuff)
        an_attr_1 = ADescriptor(somestuff)
        an_attr_a1 = ADescriptor(somestuff)
One of their expectations is that the attributes have their definition order stored somewhere. You may either use the decorator method, or the metaclass method

I don't get your concern. You can always treat an ordered collection as unordered without harm, aside from maybe not picking the most optimized solution had you considered order. Existing code will assume it's unordered, code written for 3.6+ can assume it's ordered.

> assume it's ordered

That's discouraged for general dict usage, as non-CPython interpreters may choose a different implementation. Only kwargs and class creation dicts will be specified as ordered.

Absolutely, I just meant in the specific cases where it's guaranteed by the updated spec.

I'm imagining a scenario where I want to back-port Python 3 code to work with Python 2 and now must take account of it relying on ordering (that's not guaranteed by Python 2 semantics.)

Also it's just bad design. Ordering is an additional constraint so I feel that it should require additional code ("OrderedDict" vs "dict"). It's a deep semantic change for what seems to me to be bullshit superficial justification.

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