I don't get your concern. You can always treat an ordered collection as unordered without harm, aside from maybe not picking the most optimized solution had you considered order. Existing code will assume it's unordered, code written for 3.6+ can assume it's ordered.
That's discouraged for general dict usage, as non-CPython interpreters may choose a different implementation. Only kwargs and class creation dicts will be specified as ordered.
I'm imagining a scenario where I want to back-port Python 3 code to work with Python 2 and now must take account of it relying on ordering (that's not guaranteed by Python 2 semantics.)
Also it's just bad design. Ordering is an additional constraint so I feel that it should require additional code ("OrderedDict" vs "dict"). It's a deep semantic change for what seems to me to be bullshit superficial justification.