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To a large extent I agree - we each have our unique difficulties because our lives form our personalities and thus form their defects. So in some sense, we all have our difficulties. However, imho most of them are imaginary. We can just let go of our suffering and most of us have rather easy lives compared to the bulk of humanity. We just need to learn to be happy.

Our difficulties often may be imaginary but that doesn't make them any less difficult or easy to let go.

Just because our difficulties may not be as bad as another's or may be easier to overcome does not mean that the burden we feel is any less.

It's about the burden one feels and their own ability to overcome. People have a hard time accepting this and that's why people rarely simpathize with the rich kid.

I don't sympathize much with the rich kid. The poor kid that can't go to school because he has to work to support his family has an actual, real problem. There's no easier way to get me to walk away from a conversation than when trust fund brats start whining about how they didn't get enough affection as a kid. Those difficulties can just be released, whereas abuse survivors and people in poverty have genuine problems - the rich kid just tends to be egocentric and if he realized all people were equal, then he'd have to realize his advantages and how much better he has it and shut his mouth and just deal with the troubles. I hate hearing excuses for weakness.

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