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Have faith in yourself! You can go a long way with generative art, which boils down to applying algorithms to build interesting pictures. Building an really good generative artwork requires a lot of work, but the techniques are those of the developer.

Any hints on where to start?

Depends what interests you, but some suggestions:

- Google "generative art". You'll find lots of images and you can usually work out roughly how they were made. Try to reverse engineer them and create your own facsimile.

- Check out links here http://blog.hvidtfeldts.net/index.php/generative-art-links/

- Manning have a book here: https://www.manning.com/books/generative-art

- GRATUITOUS SELF PROMOTION ALERT! I'm working on book which is part functional programming (in Scala) and part generative art.

Current draft is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8669329/creative-scala.p...

Code is here: https://github.com/underscoreio/doodle

Discussion forum is here: https://gitter.im/underscoreio/scala

Feedback very much appreciated!

Start with something that looks a bit like something you might want to make into art. One of the standard fractals, Perlin noise with a fixed seed, anything that's got a bit of randomness to it. Look for a section that's inspiring. Then look to see if you can tweak the logic to make that closer to what you want it to be.

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