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Small pitch, I am the owner of Pressed (https://www.pressed.net), and we do white label managed WordPress hosting. So anyone can sign up to create their own Managed WordPress hosting brand, and refer clients to their brand and build recurring revenue. Our team handles all the running, support, etc for the brand so you can just sit back and feed customers into it.

Pretty passive :)

Passive and managed hosting is an oxymoron in my book. I know because I've been doing that for the last 15 years :)

Genuine question. How can a managed hosting service be passive ? Specially since you handle the running and support.

Passive to the resellers, I'd imagine.

If this is white-labelled, why do you get a cut of what I sell it for? Aren't I hiring you to host/manage/support and I simply proxy support to you guys for the duration of the service?

Or are you billing my customers and sending me money? In which this sounds like an affiliate program more than anything.

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