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created:April 15, 2008
about:Howdy and welcome,

I am creating a book discovery website called Shepherd.com, it launched on April 19th, 2021. I also run hackernewsbooks.com, which has a great weekly email with the most discussed books of that week -> https://hackernewsbooks.us5.list-manage.com/subscribe

If I can be of any help, feel free to hit me up, you can contact me at bwbbwbREMOVE@gmail.com (or Twitter at @bwb).

I've got a lot of experience running remote companies. The largest was 135+ people over 18 countries doing software, dev-ops, and heavy customer service. I am also happy to help if you are having issues with a business partner - I've been through some intense situations and learned a lot.

Thanks, Ben

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