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Justin is having sex NOW on justin.tv (justin.tv)
11 points by bar on April 11, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Justin.tv is amusing to watch from time to time but I feel bad for Justin sometimes. Just because he's in his early 20's, finding a lady you really like and exposing her to that kind of stuff...must tear a guy apart.

I'm glad he turned his camera off - he respects the girl enough to do so. Very cool.

There are plenty of ways to catch a viewer's attention, their team just needs to think more outside of the box.

Hard to follow the conversation, but it sounds like they "just sat and talked"....

and someone's getting evicted for "Running a business out of their apartment". Arent' they in the YScraper?

First time I've "tuned in" and gotten an actual feed thats vaguely interesting (Ratehr than darkness, or Justin asleep... which is only interesting for about 2 seconds.)

There is an available office at 679 Harrison Street (I used to lease it, and its been empty now since August last year). The rent was $950/month - 650 s.f. including a bathroom - 2nd floor with its own entry door from the street - with wall to wall windows looking towards downtown (north light) - a great deal. It is also fully wired for dsl.

Yeah, I was broadsided by a local ordinance against having my residence as the official location of my company. Not nice.

Another reason to become a libertarian! :P

And move to a city that favors capitalism, rather than socialism.

Oh, reason 13 not to live in San Francisco: Only the bad guys carry guns.

I want to hear PG's thoughts on this site ... and why he thinks it will last long ... definitely not with one person ... how about a university professor wearing a cam or a coach??

You know, this whole televised life thing got old when it was Sean Patrick Live, nearly a decade ago. Is there something I'm missing about justin.tv?


Right - that means that instead of having a camera in whatever room Sean Patrick is in, and long stretches of dead time when he's somewhere that can't be wired for filming, you see Justin's environment all the time no matter where he is. Bandwidth also means that it can be streaming video rather than a web cam that updates every 20 seconds or so.

I'm not sure why this is supposed to be compelling. The presentation has changed, but the content hasn't. Or is it that the time is right, and there are enough voyeuristic people and enough revenue to be made from Google ads to make it worth doing?

I think there are a few reasons why this is compelling from a content standpoint: first, reality television has accustomed people to watching non-actors as entertainment. However, reality television has lost its appeal, as the contrived game-show aspects have worn on people.

Also, internet video has gone mainstream. YouTube + blogging + other user-generated content has just grown the appetite for watching everyday people do and say outrageous things. Add into this the presentation aspects (live, all day, wireless) and it becomes something different, unique, and compelling that, apparently, has a huge audience.

"Step one for tomorrow: get new friends"

I haven't heard him directly address the camera before.

Justin.tv is retarded!! I can't believe PG encouraged that idea ... but I guess ppl will feast of anything these days ... lookin at the # of reality shows ... I haven't watched tv in 4 years ... what is the count these days ?

haha, the feed is off.

Yes, it keeps telling me that the server's full.

woah! he's hung like an asian!

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