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RoboVM is one that compiles AOT ARM binaries, it's intended for the iPhone but it runs on MacOS too.

Avian is a JIT compiling JVM but one which is much smaller than HotSpot. It has a mode where it statically links your JAR into the binary itself, so you get a single self contained executable. With ProGuard and other optimisations like LZMA compression built in, such binaries can be remarkably small. Try their example:


It's a full blown GUI app that demonstrates the full range of widgets available, is cross platform, and yet is only about 1mb in size.

RoboVM can also compile to OS X and Linux:

Usually this means iOS and the ARM processor type but RoboVM is also capable of generating code for Mac OS X and Linux running on x86 CPUs. [0]

There are several forks of the latest open-source version of RoboVM. This one in particular is targeting desktop/server usage:


See also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7579737

[0] http://docs.robovm.com/advanced-topics/compilation.html

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