I never said there aren't people who do oppose it. :)
As for that law: Böhmermann could still be sued without it, just not have to worry about a jail sentence. And frankly, i prefer that over having Erdogan express his anger towards Germany differently, which is the whole reason this law exists.
If Erdogan is going to express his anger towards Germany in any way beyond a strongly worded protest, it will backfire. Let him have his hissy fit and ignore him.
If you disagree with the premise of my question and think i asked the same question, then it's fine for you to state that and have a dialogue on that point.
However pretending to answer my question, yet actually answering a completely different question is just very dishonest.
"Inability to control himself"? Sorry, I'm in the US, and I consider a free press to be a right, not something that you're supposed to "control yourself" to avoid "misusing" somehow.
I'll insult whom I please, in public. If I have a job in the media, and that isn't part of my job, I may get fired for it (free speech does not mean that my employer has to give me a platform). Also, others may view me negatively. Other than that, I'll say what I please without fear of consequences.
As for that law: Böhmermann could still be sued without it, just not have to worry about a jail sentence. And frankly, i prefer that over having Erdogan express his anger towards Germany differently, which is the whole reason this law exists.