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I wasn't trying to sound offensive. Wanted to soft pitch you something easy to hit because I hadn't heard of Fluther before and as long as you're disclaiming, it would be helpful to know what you're about.

I'm curious about your use of Google custom search, especially given your size. You don't think something more tailored would work better?

All in all, looks like a friendly community, which is no easy feat at scale.

Thanks, jimmybot.

Yeah, something tailored would definitely be better. Google custom search is pretty weak, but it gets the job done for our users until we find the time to improve. We'll probably switch to lucene or solr (with some secret sauce), but we've been too busy with other stuff. I set up a branch with Haystack (we use Django) a few weeks ago and was pretty impressed.

If you want to chat more specifically about search (or something else), you can drop me a line: ben@fluther.com

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