Well Karma uses Jasmine and Protractor uses Selenium. Protractor can be used beyond Angular too. Good point about about Nexus, I forgot about any code repos altogether, Bitbucket is private, free and awesome. I am seeing more use of JSPM too.
And then there's the missing mentions about the plethora of mobile app bootstraps such as phonegap.
As complex as the frontend has become, C++ development requires a much more sophisticated set of skills and use of frameworks IMO. I do like that frontend work can require some decent engineering chops now, although it shrinks the talent pool considerably, for the present time at least. I personally look forward to the day jQuery DIAF now that much of the DOM API is standardized. Although it is extremely useful, it's a tight coupling that I'd rather do without.
Honorable mention for sophisticated animations: http://greensock.com/
And then there's the missing mentions about the plethora of mobile app bootstraps such as phonegap.
As complex as the frontend has become, C++ development requires a much more sophisticated set of skills and use of frameworks IMO. I do like that frontend work can require some decent engineering chops now, although it shrinks the talent pool considerably, for the present time at least. I personally look forward to the day jQuery DIAF now that much of the DOM API is standardized. Although it is extremely useful, it's a tight coupling that I'd rather do without.