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Awesome Web Development Tools and Resources (keycdn.com)
89 points by antitamper on Feb 13, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I'd restore the title to begin with "100+". In other words, this attempts to be a categorized list of just about everything out there. Jump to the Summary at the bottom:

As you can see there are hundreds of web development tools and resources available to help streamline your development workflow and hopefully aid you in being more productive…

Don't go there looking for insight, discussion, or help in deciding what to use for your next project. But do bookmark it as a reference perhaps.

I don't know for sure, but as someone who has had many submissions edited for title, I think the mods do edits like this because it makes the story look less like a listicle.

Even though I think this is a useful article, I agree that it's probably better to use the actual title. If a sub is getting voted up a lot like this one is, then it's confirmation that it's not a Buzzfeed-like listicle with thin content.

Nice article, but they missed PostgreSQL among the databases. I'm using it in half of the web apps I develop for customers.

Yep came here to say exactly this except it's all customers for us.

Add Webpack (https://webpack.github.io/) to this list

Also Jest, Jasmine, Mocha, Selenium. I mean, unit and integration testing were entirely stripped from the list in the link.

Nexus for local NPM repo (if you don't want to publish publicly, or pay a ton to make it private).

And you should probably learn a bit of Maven if you're on a Java stack so you can figure out how shit actually comes together on the page.

The joys of front end.

Well Karma uses Jasmine and Protractor uses Selenium. Protractor can be used beyond Angular too. Good point about about Nexus, I forgot about any code repos altogether, Bitbucket is private, free and awesome. I am seeing more use of JSPM too.

Honorable mention for sophisticated animations: http://greensock.com/

And then there's the missing mentions about the plethora of mobile app bootstraps such as phonegap.

As complex as the frontend has become, C++ development requires a much more sophisticated set of skills and use of frameworks IMO. I do like that frontend work can require some decent engineering chops now, although it shrinks the talent pool considerably, for the present time at least. I personally look forward to the day jQuery DIAF now that much of the DOM API is standardized. Although it is extremely useful, it's a tight coupling that I'd rather do without.

From a quick glance, this list claims CSS is front-end, mixes browser javascript frameworks with backend frameworks, mentions Ruby as a framework, lists outdated frameworks like CodeIgniter, doesn't include Vagrant under local dev environments... Not something I'd trust.

Under editors, I'd include Brackets. Really enjoying it.

Also need to add developer tools like Prefix.io, Glimpse, Rack mini profiler and others for various languages. These tools are a must have for all web developers.

No bourbon neat and postgres? Astounding.

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