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I don't think many people who have grown up using computers struggle with basic file system concepts, installing programs or using office applications. Maybe we have reached the stage where a basic understanding of computing, along with basic numeracy and literacy, is necessary to function in modern society?

I don't find this to be the case. Very very few non-techy people I know (young or old) have a decent grasp of the file system, enough to have any confidence in using it beyond dumping a few files into a folder, if even that. People who use computers all day long in an office setting have issues with it. Kids who use "Internet stuff" all day have issues, too -- because they never have to deal with it, normally.

I completely disagree. Ask a non-techie friend to send you the full resolution photos from a recent weekend. Good luck. Despite the fact that it is easy to zip them, and send them by email or via a service like Yousendit.com - they cannot do it. People have very little understanding of file systems, files, the internet, etc etc.

Keyboard and mouse computers are not designed around our natural abilities, they are an acquired skill. If a system can accomplish the same tasks (email, word processing, calculations,...) without requiring a training and indoctrination program, then that is better and should be the end goal. The iPad (and future tablets and augmented reality devices) is going to do just that, and that is a very good thing indeed.

I disagree. About 2 years ago I lived with a college senior who didn't know what the "My Documents" folder is, where their downloaded files went or that they could put things in different places. All her files were in one place and she had to make sure their names were easy to remember.

Once, I put a folder on her desktop to download some images to, and she freaked out a bit. Funny shit for me, but a good learning experience as well.

Edit: This is one example. I have other, smaller, examples.

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