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"...that's not a bad salary."

That's entitlement thinking and it ignores economics. Salaries in software (and in most white collar jobs) are a negotiation. If all goes well the employer feels they are slightly overpaying and the employee feels slightly undervalued. If either side is happy then there's an inequity.

One is not entitled to specific salary, nor is one limited by a specific cap on salary.

The second point that there are non-monetary values to a job is well said though.

If either side is happy then there's an inequity.

Or you might get into the position where the employer and employee think they got a great deal. I've heard of it happen before. In any case, making sure neither side is happy is not really any way to ensure that there's no inequity.

The negotiation is rarely in equal footing, however.

During high unemployment, the employers are dictating the terms.

During low unemployment, the employees are dictating the terms.

I can't wait till the employment rates go up again. Unfortunately according to experts it won't for a LOOOONG while.

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