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The author frames the question as to whether iPad native apps or web apps will win, but obviously the much bigger question is: how many people will buy iPads?

The iPhone app rush is predicated on the enormous popularity of the iPhone itself, which was already a given when the App Store was introduced. With the iPad, it's a very open question whether a gap in the market exists for a form factor between a phone and a laptop -- and whether it is better than the current contender for that space, Netbooks.

Right, especially since it's looking like a large part of the iPad's market will be technophobes who don't want to deal with the "complex" features of normal computers. How many apps are those users actually going to buy, as opposed to just using it for web browsing and email?

Games, games, and more games. Take advantage of the multitouch features.

As a side note, I'm developing a pretty awesome concept for a game in time for the iPad release, and could sure use some artists to partner with... Give me a shout if you are interested.

I also think there's an opportunity for 'board' games: the iPad can be positioned on a table for viewing and operation by multiple players simultaneously, moreso than previous devices.

Yep I definitely have considered that as well. Especially the possibility of RTS board games of some sort, as opposed to turn-based. I'm sure the Parker Bros would be well advised to make a Monopoly app.

I've got to admit, the board game idea for the ipad is pretty cool. In general, though, I'm not convinced I see the game market for the ipad being as large as it is on the iphone. A phone is in your pocket when you're on the bus, in the waiting room, or in the bathroom (you know you do it). These are perfect opportunities to pull out the device and play a game for a few minutes. I don't see people having as quick of access to the ipad or planning to bring it somewhere just to game on.

That being said, I'm guessing we can assume that the next flash sdk's ability to build for iPhone will extend to the iPad, in which case the games floodgates are going to open regardless.

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