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The iPad replaces a computer for most people, and does a lot more by being so portable and simple to use. Seriously, get one of these a keyboard dock and you're good to go.

For developers and other content creators we still need the power of a notebook. If we have a smart phone then this isn't as compelling, but for most "normal" people who consume content this is huge. Make no mistake this is a game changer.

I was kind of interested in the keyboard dock at first glance. Here's a way to turn an iPad into a simple computer that my kid can use for school tasks or email without trashing my desktop computer setup.

But on second glance: how do you drive the UI from the keyboard? Can you use a mouse? Are you going to have to lift your arms and gesture all over the place to open a file, change apps, etc?

If they have an answer to the second problem, watch this thing get pushed heavily at the education market in the fall.

It supports a bluetooth keyboard, it seems sensible it would support a bluetooth mouse.

I imagine multi-touch will be natural and integral enough that people will forego the mouse altogether. Although, I suppose a magic mouse might fit the bill (haven't used one yet).

So now the iPhone OS supports a mouse cursor? That seems unlikely. That's my big fear here.

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