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I'm trying to construct the similar sentiments you are asking me to. Let me know if this is correct.

> I often can't relate with asian people. What they worry about and enjoy do nothing for me. This started from a young age (why is there chinese school on saturday? what is discipline by disappointment? no privacy?) and although I have many close asian friends, on a whole they are the minority in my friend groups.

I'm not sure why I would think that is racist.

> I'm not sure why I would think that is racist.

Well educated white people tend to be more sensitive to things seeming racist, because they really don't want to seem racist. Hence the idea of political correctness (PC). I get the impression that Asians in Asia don't care as much about being PC as white people in America.

But that difference - like the differences you mention - isn't racial, it's cultural. The culture just happens to correlate with the race.

> why is there chinese school on saturday?

There are plenty of white minorities that would identify with this. E.g. Jews have Hebrew school, Greeks have Greek school. Have you seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding?

> But that difference - like the differences you mention - isn't racial, it's cultural. The culture just happens to correlate with the race.

That was exactly my point. But because they correlate with race, they get imposed upon you and associated with you even beyond what culture brings.

> There are plenty of white minorities that would identify with this.

Part of this must take into account how Jews and Greeks were not considered 'white' for centuries. Furthermore, it also speaks to how I don't even know exactly why the average white person implicitly doesn't understand me.

Those strike me as understandable sentiments, but I do think they are racist. Are they bigoted? No. Racist? Yes.

Such sentiments try to extrapolate information on a group of people based off of a non-random sampling. There's bias introduced by the geography of one's life, if nothing else.

Racism by definition requires some generalization, however the generality of statements or beliefs do not racism make.

Yes, you've captured the sentiment.

In which case, I don't think it's racist, though I can see how a white person would be sensitive and worried that it is racist.

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