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Everyone forgets the flip side of the integration problem. The majority group needs to be welcoming of minority groups or else they will seek out their own. Interracial friendships, dating, etc are still not the norm. A lot of that is due to subtle exclusion of other groups.

> The majority group needs to be welcoming of minority groups

Can be hard when the minority group prefers to speak in a different language. It's give-and-take. Often minority groups are just fine balkanizing instead of making the effort to integrate. And the minorities are often walking a tightrope between their parents and the majority culture which makes it hard to bridge this gap. So they find it easier just finding people in the same situation. That's why integration often takes generations, and typically takes longer the larger the minority.

The immigrants all have their own baggage as well. It's not a unidirectional problem. We could be as welcoming as possible, and still have different groups separate themselves.

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