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You can literally apply this same logic to any form of discrimination:

Paid less because of your gender? What good does complaining do? I suggest you work harder.

Injustly stripped of your property? What good does complaining do? I suggest you start a business.

Forced to sit in the back of the bus? What good does complaining do? I suggest you exercise more so you can walk longer.

Profiled by the police based on your skin color? What good does complaining do? I suggest you dress better.

Ostracised from society because you're gay? What good does complaining do? I suggest you hide it better.

Assaulted because of your religion? What good does complaining do? I suggest you learn to fight.

You should understand that behind every complaint is an implicit call for collective action, which is the only way to solve problems these types of problems. Dismissing these grievances, like you're doing here, has the affect of discouraging not only the person being discriminated against, but also other victims. Even if you aren't doing it consciously, your attitude smothers attempts at collective action maintains the status quo of discrimination.

I don't think anybody is complaining that aesthetic preferences are derived and shaped from pop culture.

Rather, it's important to understand what subconsciously influences people, so one might make sense of the seemingly counterintuitive results one has when it comes to the fairer sex.

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