You don't even need overtly racist comments in movies to satisfy a structural system of racism. The absence of strong minority leads is enough - I can't think of any Asian or Middle Eastern actors with strong leading roles in America (unless they're really hot women serving as exotic temptresses, which isn't really the same)
Jakie Chan? I guess he almost always plays a buffoon in his English speaking roles so that doesn't really help. Jet Li is usually pretty competent and the Filipino action star is usually looked up to. I haven't seen any middle aged Asian stars who are just respectable and or successful.
But Ken Jeong? The guy whose biggest movie role to date is "Mr. Chow" in The Hangover, where he pranced about in tighty whities with an exaggerated Chinese accent and making slow jerkoff motions?
It's hard to perceive much of his work as anything but modern variations of Long Duk Dong, ultimately I consider his work to have added to Asian stereotypes.
The guy is free to take the role he wants, but IMO as far as "actors dismantling Asian stereotypes with their work" his career so far has been as far from it as it gets.