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[off topic: Im on the New Yorker tech team]

We just launched a feature called "remind to read", that lets users send themselves a reminder email about content. Depending on where you trigger the service, the reminder email will send you back to where you were.

To see it while reading, scroll up. A module appears in the bottom righthand corner.

It launched last Thursday. I'd love to hear everyones thoughts!

Thank you for doing such great work. The New Yorker is one of the few publications I pay for in print and will continue to do so for quite a while. You guys do ads right, and your site isn't bloated.

Thank you!

We do our best to keep it this way.

If you come across any annoyances, please reach out!

What would be very useful is an "update reminder" feature where if some information in the article is updated (maybe a couple days or a few years) later, a reminder is sent.

Thats a great idea!

Have you seen newsdiffs?

nope, but i will. Thanks :)

On my browser, it pops up and immediately down. I can't ever use it.

[browser version removed]

Will fix!

Thank you

Just noticed that while reading this very article - I think it's a good idea, relatively unobtrusively implemented.

Yep! I wanted to specifically target uses who would actually want to get a reminder. Its been pretty effective since. Almost 80% open rate on emails that people send to themselves and over 20% click rate. This is a huge win for any notification/ bookmark.

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