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Stories from May 19, 2024
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31. Classic Usenet posts on computer architecture, operating systems and languages (yarchive.net)
267 points by caned 54 days ago | 59 comments
32. A web version of Anthropic's prompt engineering interactive tutorial (thenameless.net)
144 points by thenameless7741 55 days ago | 21 comments
33. Hertz Charging a Tesla Renter for Gas Was Not an Isolated Incident (thedrive.com)
225 points by peutetre 53 days ago | 204 comments
34. Apache NuttX RTOS on Sophgo SG2000 RISC-V SoC (Milk-V Duo S SBC) (codeberg.page)
34 points by lupyuen 54 days ago | 13 comments
35. RISC vs. CISC by John R. Mashey (1995) (yarchive.net)
72 points by caned 54 days ago | 36 comments
36. Sorry, wrong number (roads.org.uk)
109 points by scrlk 54 days ago | 41 comments
37. Show HN: Digital player board for Terraforming Mars (terraforming-mars-player-board.netlify.a...)
72 points by sakerbos 53 days ago | 47 comments
38. Will better superconductors transform the world? (quantamagazine.org)
100 points by debadipb 54 days ago | 99 comments
39. Worklenz: Open-Source, All in one project management tool (github.com/worklenz)
102 points by thunderbong 54 days ago | 39 comments
40. Mortgages are a manufactured product (2022) (bitsaboutmoney.com)
127 points by Anon84 54 days ago | 119 comments
41. Building a Waitlist (The Wrong Way) (jrhizor.dev)
98 points by jrhizor 54 days ago | 39 comments
42. Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead" (eff.org)
301 points by doener 54 days ago | 338 comments
43. Show HN: Brawshot – Basic temporal denoise for videos in BRAW format (github.com/hackyourlife)
46 points by an-unknown 54 days ago | 6 comments
44. On English Melancholy (mitpress.mit.edu)
29 points by breathnow 54 days ago | 11 comments
45. Radio Caroline turns 60 (go.com)
44 points by rmason 54 days ago | 8 comments
46. Microsoft's Emissions Spike 29% as AI Gobbles Up Resources (pcmag.com)
191 points by alwillis 54 days ago | 127 comments
47. The Ambling Mind (theconvivialsociety.substack.com)
39 points by niceguitars 54 days ago | 12 comments
48. What ever happened to Modula-2? (goto10retro.com)
49 points by thunderbong 54 days ago | 61 comments
49. Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (cs231n.github.io)
71 points by yu3zhou4 53 days ago | 4 comments
50. Commuter train window cleaning conundrum in NJ (nj.com)
44 points by savrajsingh 54 days ago | 40 comments
51. Reading list to join AI field from Hugging Face cofounder (thomwolf.io)
114 points by triyambakam 54 days ago | 27 comments
52. “No Mow May“ Won't Fix Our Biodiversity Problems (motherjones.com)
26 points by stareatgoats 53 days ago | 60 comments
53. When the movies went west (2018) (longreads.com)
15 points by kawera 54 days ago | 3 comments
54. Updating from macOS Ventura to Sonoma Silently Enables iCloud Keychain (lapcatsoftware.com)
88 points by frizlab 53 days ago | 68 comments
55. How GM Made the $35,000 Chevrolet Equinox EV into a 319-Mile Range Champ (insideevs.com)
46 points by peutetre 54 days ago | 68 comments
56. [flagged] Show HN: Interactive Graph by LLM (GPT-4o) (columns.ai)
45 points by caoxhua 53 days ago | 50 comments
57. China builds first dedicated drone carrier (navalnews.com)
66 points by ulrischa 54 days ago | 61 comments
58. AI Books4 Dataset for training LLMs further (reddit.com)
46 points by ImperiumOfMan 53 days ago | 48 comments
59. Italy's $12.7B Bridge to Sicily [video] (youtube.com)
54 points by simonebrunozzi 53 days ago | 37 comments
60. Chess and 18th Century artificial intelligence (2013) (bbc.com)
22 points by sergeant3 53 days ago

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