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Stories from May 18, 2024
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1. OpenAI departures: Why can’t former employees talk? (vox.com)
1254 points by fnbr 55 days ago | 963 comments
2. Calculus with Julia (jverzani.github.io)
381 points by barrenko 54 days ago | 161 comments
3. I organized a 20-acre game of Capture the Flag (ntnbr.com)
435 points by ntnbr 54 days ago | 146 comments
4. LoRA Learns Less and Forgets Less (arxiv.org)
177 points by wolecki 55 days ago | 60 comments
5. Cyber Security: A pre-war reality check (berthub.eu)
593 points by edent 54 days ago | 278 comments
6. Gio UI – Cross-platform GUI for Go (gioui.org)
299 points by gjvc 54 days ago | 214 comments
7. Show HN: A Golang CP/M emulator (github.com/skx)
107 points by stevekemp 54 days ago | 15 comments
8. A trustworthy, free (libre), Linux capable, self-hosting 64bit RISC-V computer (cmu.edu)
246 points by caned 54 days ago | 57 comments
9. Zoraxy: Open-Source, All in one homelab network routing solution (arozos.com)
148 points by thunderbong 55 days ago | 54 comments
10. Aggregating all cinema showtimes in Germany with Clojure (tonsky.me)
144 points by zonotope 57 days ago | 51 comments
11. Pacific squid flashes its attack 'headlights' (bbc.com)
119 points by onemoresoop 56 days ago | 46 comments
12. On hoot, on boot (wingolog.org)
83 points by davexunit 56 days ago | 15 comments
13. Show HN: Peanut Butter Spinner (cdaringe.com)
193 points by cdaringe 54 days ago | 145 comments
14. Fixing the iterative damping interpolation in video games (pkh.me)
127 points by ux 54 days ago | 53 comments
15. Hashing Modulo Theories (philipzucker.com)
59 points by philzook 55 days ago | 3 comments
16. Seven Dyson Sphere Candidates (centauri-dreams.org)
191 points by sohkamyung 54 days ago | 355 comments
17. The New 'Dream Chaser' Spacecraft Prepares to Visit the ISS (scientificamerican.com)
54 points by Anon84 57 days ago | 40 comments
18. Malleable software in the age of LLMs (2023) (geoffreylitt.com)
87 points by tosh 54 days ago | 36 comments
19. Ask HN: SaaS Subscription or Usage-Based Pricing?
119 points by JanSchu 56 days ago | 52 comments
20. Frozen human brain tissue was successfully revived for the first time (bgr.com)
164 points by amichail 54 days ago | 110 comments
21. Scrabble, Anonymous (theparisreview.org)
82 points by crescit_eundo 55 days ago | 37 comments
22. 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later (pewresearch.org)
231 points by Kye 54 days ago | 179 comments
23. Working with jumbo/unity builds in C/C++ (austinmorlan.com)
65 points by sph 54 days ago | 44 comments
24. Go Browser Package (dineshgowda.com)
56 points by dineshgowda24 54 days ago | 27 comments
25. If you’re seeing this, I’m in jail [video] (youtube.com)
394 points by mnming 54 days ago | 115 comments
26. First proof that "plunging regions" exist around black holes in space (ox.ac.uk)
79 points by carbocation 55 days ago | 103 comments
27. OpenProject – open-source project management software (openproject.org)
134 points by Brajeshwar 54 days ago | 50 comments
28. Ilya Sutskever: “If you learn all of these, you’ll know 90% of what matters” (reddit.com)
313 points by sh_tomer 54 days ago | 110 comments
29. Houston, We Have a Solution (2023) (worksinprogress.co)
46 points by telotortium 54 days ago | 15 comments
30. The Myth of Panic (2021) (palladiummag.com)
39 points by apsec112 55 days ago | 50 comments

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