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Stories from June 19, 2024
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1. Safe Superintelligence Inc. (ssi.inc)
1214 points by nick_pou 22 days ago | 1068 comments
2. KidPix (kidpix.app)
921 points by wonger_ 23 days ago | 124 comments
3. Astronomers see a black hole awaken in real time (eso.org)
245 points by croes 22 days ago | 115 comments
4. 1/25-scale Cray C90 wristwatch (chrisfenton.com)
382 points by akkartik 22 days ago | 69 comments
5. EasyOS: An experimental Linux distribution (easyos.org)
281 points by skilled 22 days ago | 143 comments
6. Show HN: Radius – A Meetup.com alternative (radius.to)
351 points by radius89 23 days ago | 152 comments
7. Agilent 2000a / 3000a Oscilloscope NAND Recovery (salvagedcircuitry.com)
189 points by sharpshadow 22 days ago | 40 comments
8. What happens to our breath when we type, tap, scroll (npr.org)
289 points by nequo 24 days ago | 130 comments
9. ExectOS – brand new operating system which derives from NT architecture (exectos.eu.org)
254 points by belliash 23 days ago | 226 comments
10. The enduring mystery of how water freezes (quantamagazine.org)
231 points by Tomte 24 days ago | 83 comments
11. Brain circuit scores identify clinically distinct biotypes in depression/anxiety (nature.com)
201 points by MBCook 24 days ago | 95 comments
12. The return of pneumatic tubes (technologyreview.com)
142 points by pseudolus 22 days ago | 159 comments
13. Arvind has died (news.mit.edu)
280 points by bookofjoe 22 days ago | 72 comments
14. Off-path TCP hijacking in NAT-enabled Wi-Fi networks (apnic.net)
211 points by gtirloni 23 days ago | 86 comments
15. Beyond velocity and acceleration: jerk, snap and higher derivatives (2016) (iop.org)
181 points by EndXA 22 days ago | 151 comments
16. Monitoring marine litter from space (esa.int)
221 points by bitschubser_ 22 days ago | 89 comments
17. Vannevar Bush Engineered the 20th Century (ieee.org)
143 points by cyberlimerence 23 days ago | 26 comments
18. The demise of the mildly dynamic website (2022) (devever.net)
268 points by thunderbong 22 days ago | 178 comments
19. Open Source Python ETL (amphi.ai)
247 points by justjico 23 days ago | 124 comments
20. Fast Crimes at Lambda School (sandofsky.com)
610 points by plinkplonk 22 days ago | 334 comments
21. There's more to mathematics than rigour and proofs (2007) (terrytao.wordpress.com)
195 points by haraball 22 days ago | 98 comments
22. IPC in Rust – A Ping Pong Comparison (3tilley.github.io)
147 points by todsacerdoti 23 days ago | 66 comments
23. X debut 40 years ago (1984) (talisman.org)
333 points by guerby 22 days ago | 117 comments
24. Show HN: I made an open source and local translation app (github.com/niedev)
236 points by niedev 23 days ago | 56 comments
25. Large language model data pipelines and Common Crawl (christianperone.com)
139 points by sonabinu 23 days ago | 12 comments
26. Fern Hollow Bridge should have been closed years before it collapsed (practical.engineering)
263 points by freetime2 23 days ago | 172 comments
27. Serialization for C# Games (chickensoft.games)
133 points by jolexxa 27 days ago | 48 comments
28. The the the the induction of jamais vu: word alienation and semantic satiation (tandfonline.com)
82 points by ericciarla 22 days ago | 46 comments
29. Using a 1965 Dutch rotary phone via VoIP (raymii.org)
77 points by jandeboevrie 28 days ago | 20 comments
30. AI-powered conversion from Enzyme to React Testing Library (slack.engineering)
178 points by GavCo 22 days ago | 100 comments

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