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You Can't Build Apple with Venture Capital (sandofsky.com)
24 points by prakhar897 13 days ago | past | 3 comments
Golden Bear Traps (sandofsky.com)
3 points by prakhar897 14 days ago | past | 1 comment
Fast Crimes at Lambda School (sandofsky.com)
610 points by plinkplonk 15 days ago | past | 334 comments
Fast Crimes at Lambda School (sandofsky.com)
12 points by akalin 16 days ago | past | 2 comments
A breakdown of Lambda School's rise and fall (sandofsky.com)
21 points by SuurRae 16 days ago | past | 3 comments
Oh the Humanity (sandofsky.com)
2 points by andsoitis 49 days ago | past
Oh the Humanity: Why You Can't Build Apple with Venture Capital (sandofsky.com)
5 points by alwillis 74 days ago | past | 1 comment
Oh the Humanity (sandofsky.com)
1 point by robenkleene 77 days ago | past
Oh the Humanity (sandofsky.com)
9 points by tambourine_man 78 days ago | past | 3 comments
Oh the Humanity: Why You Can't Build Apple with Venture Capital (sandofsky.com)
2 points by cdme 79 days ago | past
Oh the Humanity (sandofsky.com)
8 points by marvinborner 79 days ago | past | 1 comment
iOS Controller Hierarchies (sandofsky.com)
1 point by whalesalad on Jan 7, 2019 | past
Understanding the Git Workflow (sandofsky.com)
3 points by melenaos on Nov 20, 2018 | past
How I'd learn iOS Development (sandofsky.com)
1 point by deafcalculus on Feb 9, 2018 | past
Delegates vs. Observers in iOS (sandofsky.com)
1 point by mlex on Jan 7, 2016 | past
Agility Follows an S-Curve (sandofsky.com)
13 points by ingve on Nov 22, 2015 | past | 5 comments
You Can't Go Home Again (sandofsky.com)
1 point by PStamatiou on Sept 10, 2015 | past
Shell Apps and Silver Bullets (sandofsky.com)
1 point by ingve on Aug 12, 2015 | past
Objective-C in a Swift World (sandofsky.com)
3 points by sagargv on July 16, 2015 | past
You Can’t Go Home Again (sandofsky.com)
3 points by domino on Dec 7, 2014 | past
Agile development in mobile apps (sandofsky.com)
2 points by ropiku on Dec 6, 2014 | past
The Coffee Machine (sandofsky.com)
4 points by qnk on June 6, 2014 | past
Understanding the Git Workflow (sandofsky.com)
1 point by niggler on May 4, 2013 | past
Shell Apps and Silver Bullets (sandofsky.com)
1 point by barredo on Feb 21, 2013 | past
Shell Apps and Silver Bullets (sandofsky.com)
1 point by olalonde on Oct 11, 2012 | past
American Healthcare is Broken (sandofsky.com)
2 points by joeyespo on July 4, 2012 | past
Writing Desktop Class Applications in JavaScript (sandofsky.com)
66 points by joeyespo on July 1, 2012 | past | 38 comments
Apps vs The Web (sandofsky.com)
1 point by joeyespo on July 1, 2012 | past
Shell Apps And Silver Bullets (sandofsky.com)
24 points by zachwill on May 8, 2012 | past | 1 comment
The State of Testing (sandofsky.com)
2 points by praptak on Sept 14, 2011 | past

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