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Stories from August 5, 2023
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1. Bram Moolenaar has died (groups.google.com)
4310 points by wufocaculura 11 months ago | 428 comments
2. Try the last internet Kermit server (complete.org)
208 points by todsacerdoti 11 months ago | 70 comments
3. Most promoted and blocked domains among Kagi Search users (kagi.com)
986 points by tech234a 11 months ago | 485 comments
4. nic.funet.fi: Serving freely distributable files with FTP since 1990 (funet.fi)
418 points by Someone 11 months ago | 156 comments
5. “The most beautiful of all printed books,” the Kelmscott Chaucer (openculture.com)
204 points by geox 11 months ago | 39 comments
6. Just normal web things (heather-buchel.com)
610 points by vitplister 11 months ago | 247 comments
7. IBM and NASA open-source largest geospatial AI foundation model on Hugging Face (ibm.com)
276 points by anigbrowl 11 months ago | 23 comments
8. Reduction of sulfur emissions from ships may be causing rising sea temperatures (twitter.com/hankgreen)
419 points by machdiamonds 11 months ago | 559 comments
9. We’re closer to ‘engineering’ blood vessels (unimelb.edu.au)
173 points by geox 11 months ago | 94 comments
10. Double neural bypass restores movement, sense of touch after paralysis (northwell.edu)
181 points by kvee 11 months ago | 28 comments
11. NASA has reestablished full communications with Voyager 2 (nasa.gov)
481 points by mutant_glofish 11 months ago | 101 comments
12. Math Exposition on YouTube (dustingmixon.wordpress.com)
140 points by mathfan 11 months ago | 33 comments
13. Intel x86 documentation has more pages than the 6502 has transistors (2013) (righto.com)
231 points by optimalsolver 11 months ago | 105 comments
14. Flux Pinning in sample of LK-99? (twitter.com/andercot)
348 points by kochie 11 months ago | 207 comments
15. Replacing the bad flyback transformer in Apple's Studio Display 17" (riveducha.com)
101 points by riveducha 11 months ago | 63 comments
16. Making peer-to-peer multiplayer seamless with Godot (2022) (rafa.ee)
126 points by dulvui 11 months ago | 28 comments
17. Lazygit Turns 5: Musings on Git, TUIs, and open source (jesseduffield.com)
211 points by jesseduffield 11 months ago | 69 comments
18. Speed Up C++ Compilation (blender.org)
157 points by todsacerdoti 11 months ago | 137 comments
19. Satellite supergroup spots methane super-emitters (innovationorigins.com)
152 points by nixass 11 months ago | 68 comments
20. DisplayPort: Taming the Altmode (hackaday.com)
97 points by rcarmo 11 months ago | 62 comments
21. Aromas while sleeping spark cognitive increase: study (sciencedaily.com)
121 points by jdmark 11 months ago | 67 comments
22. Eventual Business Consistency (tidyfirst.substack.com)
134 points by cratermoon 11 months ago | 41 comments
23. Duck DNS (duckdns.org)
159 points by axiomdata316 11 months ago | 60 comments
24. Green vs. brown programming languages (2021) (earthly.dev)
158 points by adamgordonbell 11 months ago | 94 comments
25. Intel Arc A580 could be the next great affordable GPU (techradar.com)
160 points by mikece 11 months ago | 220 comments
26. Pirate site not impressed by Global DNS blocking order (torrentfreak.com)
187 points by gslin 11 months ago | 145 comments
27. AI won’t replace humans, but humans with AI will replace humans without AI (hbr.org)
239 points by sahin 11 months ago | 232 comments
28. WASI: WebAssembly System Interface (github.com/webassembly)
123 points by teleforce 11 months ago | 76 comments
29. Show HN: Custom Haskell handlers for Nginx (github.com/lyokha)
98 points by lyokha 11 months ago | 15 comments
30. From Cyberdog to dataless files: a brief history of iCloud (eclecticlight.co)
73 points by ingve 11 months ago | 33 comments

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