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Stories from February 19, 2009
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1. How Not to Pitch to a Startup (particletree.com)
184 points by unfoldedorigami on Feb 19, 2009 | 44 comments
2. Hacker News is 2 (ycombinator.com)
165 points by pg on Feb 19, 2009 | 67 comments
3. Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0 (eastbayexpress.com)
150 points by brianmckenzie on Feb 19, 2009 | 59 comments
4. Ask HN: Just cashed out for 2M. What now?
148 points by newseller on Feb 19, 2009 | 216 comments
5. A Trivial LLVM Lisp (lisp.org)
86 points by jonasb on Feb 19, 2009 | 3 comments
6. Chris Wanstrath's Startup Riot keynote text (gist.github.com)
83 points by azsromej on Feb 19, 2009 | 24 comments
7. My Web is Text Based (marksonland.com)
83 points by trs90 on Feb 19, 2009 | 54 comments
8. AppStore Secrets (pinchmedia.com)
65 points by epi0Bauqu on Feb 19, 2009 | 17 comments
9. jQuery plugins for your development (reynoldsftw.com)
63 points by mootymoots on Feb 19, 2009 | 8 comments
10. Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design (includes Hacker News & Posterous) (smashingmagazine.com)
60 points by jmorin007 on Feb 19, 2009 | 24 comments
11. Law firm sues to force startup to make anchor text contain the full url (slate.com)
50 points by chris11 on Feb 19, 2009 | 19 comments
12. Automatic Differentiation: The most underused tool in the machine learning toolbox? (justindomke.wordpress.com)
50 points by gaika on Feb 19, 2009 | 6 comments
13. Ma.gnolia Data is Gone For Good (datacenterknowledge.com)
43 points by Anon84 on Feb 19, 2009 | 34 comments
14. Washington Times releases open source projects (Django apps) (washingtontimes.com)
42 points by yaj on Feb 19, 2009 | 1 comment
15. Day 4 - Pirate Bay Defense Calls Foul Over Evidence (torrentfreak.com)
42 points by adnymarc on Feb 19, 2009 | 6 comments
16. On writing well (wayne.edu)
40 points by streblo on Feb 19, 2009 | 26 comments
17. Multitasking is the fastest way to mediocrity (37signals.com)
40 points by twampss on Feb 19, 2009 | 14 comments
18. Sale pricing on Steam games: 50% off = 3000% increase in sales (arstechnica.com)
37 points by tkiley on Feb 19, 2009 | 12 comments
19. The Paradox of Self-Education (adambossy.com)
37 points by abossy on Feb 19, 2009 | 26 comments
20. Sprockets: JavaScript dependency management and concatenation (SvN) (37signals.com)
36 points by jakestein on Feb 19, 2009 | 21 comments
21. KK on Unabomber: pounce on [technology] when it is down and kill it before it rises again (kk.org)
34 points by jjguy on Feb 19, 2009 | 33 comments
22. Ask HN: My 13 year-old cousin hacked into his school's system. What advice would you give?
28 points by jsmoov on Feb 19, 2009 | 70 comments
23. Heyzap growing fast (YC 09) (venturebeat.com)
25 points by savrajsingh on Feb 19, 2009 | 10 comments
24. Why Hulu Should Embrace Boxee (avc.com)
26 points by jasonlbaptiste on Feb 19, 2009 | 7 comments
25. Wifi Cat (weatherby.net)
26 points by Oompa on Feb 19, 2009 | 20 comments
26. YUI 2.7.0 Released (yuiblog.com)
25 points by ajbatac on Feb 19, 2009 | 6 comments
27. Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars (nationalgeographic.com)
23 points by rogercosseboom on Feb 19, 2009 | 7 comments
28. Humorous software development quotes (paultiseo.wordpress.com)
22 points by swombat on Feb 19, 2009 | 7 comments
29. Coding Horror: Are You An Expert? (codinghorror.com)
21 points by Anon84 on Feb 19, 2009 | 14 comments
30. Ask HN: How do I get through to startups for a summer position?
20 points by windsurfer on Feb 19, 2009 | 27 comments

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