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A Trivial LLVM Lisp (lisp.org)
86 points by jonasb on Feb 19, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Author here. This is really not a useful thing at all (most obviously there's no allocation whatsoever), and it is quite an old version. I pastebin'd it to show to someone on IRC, certainly not to have it show up on the front page of HN :)

Just me tinkering with LLVM, though it will probably turn into something useful (and, ahem, deliberately public) someday... (email of course appreciated if anyone happens to run with it).

I don't believe I've seen an HN post before with so many upvotes (currently 63) and zero comments. I assume some people are bookmarking it for later review or use. Anyone got any plans in particular?

(Related: a small LLVM Scheme compiler: http://llvm.org/ProjectsWithLLVM/#scheme)

It's may be a way to say "we want more programming/computer science links".

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