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Humorous software development quotes (paultiseo.wordpress.com)
22 points by swombat on Feb 19, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Hey everybody who's never seen these funny quotes before and is upvoting this, here's more new and funny stuff:




Lots more here:



That's a nice little group of quotes.

Quote 7 is a mismatched metaphor though. Somebody finish this sentence for me:

If programmers wrote programs the way builders built buildings...

... we would call a GUI element without a functionality attached to it a bubble.

Two thumbs up. I can already tell that Quote 10 is going to come in awfully handy on my next project ...

I am in the middle of a Quote 1 now... :(

The nice thing about Quote 10 is that 9 people effectively dilutes the responsibility.

I know another version of #6:

In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not.

Yet another, often attributed to Yogi Berra:

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

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