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Stories from November 22, 2010
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1. Re-entry to US without backscatter or pat-down (noblasters.com)
459 points by bobf on Nov 22, 2010 | 179 comments
2. SR-71 Blackbird Communication to Tower (econrates.com)
422 points by da5e on Nov 22, 2010 | 68 comments
3. My Y Combinator interview. (korokithakis.net)
269 points by stavros on Nov 22, 2010 | 109 comments
4. Dropbox (YC S07): Simple Tasks for Extra Space (768MB total) (dropbox.com)
225 points by davecardwell on Nov 22, 2010 | 143 comments
5. What should a developer know before building a public web site? (stackoverflow.com)
196 points by niyazpk on Nov 22, 2010 | 7 comments
6. Berners-Lee: Facebook 'threatens' web future (theregister.co.uk)
172 points by raju on Nov 22, 2010 | 40 comments
7. What kind of traffic is driven by a single mention of a domain on network TV? (chrisfinke.com)
159 points by cfinke on Nov 22, 2010 | 54 comments
8. Worst gadget ever? Ars reviews a $99 Android tablet (arstechnica.com)
148 points by arnemart on Nov 22, 2010 | 89 comments
9. Google Launches Plugin That Fuses Microsoft Office With Google Docs (techcrunch.com)
147 points by ssclafani on Nov 22, 2010 | 41 comments
10. Personal Surveillance Drones are here. (sensefly.com)
142 points by olefoo on Nov 22, 2010 | 50 comments
11. Appleā€™s iOS 4.2 Available Today for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch (apple.com)
143 points by ukdm on Nov 22, 2010 | 133 comments
12. Facebook Tries To Silence Lamebook: Removes Its Page, Blocks Links And Likes (techcrunch.com)
142 points by ssclafani on Nov 22, 2010 | 61 comments
13. How to Catch a Cheater (nerdlife.net)
138 points by bkrausz on Nov 22, 2010 | 98 comments
14. Why we switched from Google App Engine to EC2 (tophatmonocle.com)
128 points by axiom on Nov 22, 2010 | 47 comments
15. A game inside a favicon. (p01.org)
118 points by chaosmachine on Nov 22, 2010 | 12 comments
16. Lifetime Mixpanel.com Startup Plan - $17 (appsumo.com)
108 points by jackowayed on Nov 22, 2010 | 64 comments
17. Novell acquired by Attachmate Corporation (novell.com)
108 points by mapleoin on Nov 22, 2010 | 50 comments
18. Dutch Women work less, have a big gender pay gap, and they love it (slate.com)
105 points by db42 on Nov 22, 2010 | 92 comments
19. Stuck in Code (pindancing.blogspot.com)
95 points by niyazpk on Nov 22, 2010 | 24 comments
20. Image hosting that doesn't suck - just drag and drop (min.us)
91 points by chrisbroadfoot on Nov 22, 2010 | 79 comments
21. What good is Wall Street? (newyorker.com)
90 points by philk on Nov 22, 2010 | 61 comments
22. Map-Reduce in JavaScript, working on client Browsers (0x82.com)
87 points by arturventura on Nov 22, 2010 | 9 comments
23. Real time lightsaber tracking and rendering on the Kinect (kinecthacks.net)
86 points by RK on Nov 22, 2010 | 23 comments
24. Git as a NoSQL datastore (github.com/pauldowman)
84 points by joshfraser on Nov 22, 2010 | 42 comments
25. Justin Kan: Measuring startup success by head count is toxic (areallybadidea.com)
79 points by justin on Nov 22, 2010 | 20 comments
26. Employee Equity - How Much? (avc.com)
76 points by brlewis on Nov 22, 2010 | 11 comments
27. Why you absolutely MUST write an API when you write your next app (angrymonkeys.com.au)
76 points by toast76 on Nov 22, 2010 | 22 comments
28. A true single-sided circuit board. (evilmadscientist.com)
75 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Nov 22, 2010 | 9 comments
29. Show HN: A successful penny-auction bot (github.com/qix)
74 points by qixxiq on Nov 22, 2010 | 12 comments
30. The Ruby Stdlib is a Ghetto (mikeperham.com)
71 points by chanks on Nov 22, 2010 | 47 comments

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