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Stories from January 24, 2024
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1. Zed, a collaborative code editor, is now open source (zed.dev)
1576 points by FeroTheFox 8 months ago | 602 comments
2. We made an animated movie in 8kB (ctrl-alt-test.fr)
572 points by laurentlb 8 months ago | 148 comments
3. Gene therapy allows an 11-year-old boy to hear (nytimes.com)
482 points by mikhael 8 months ago | 243 comments
4. Show HN: Startup funding simulator (fundingsimulator.com)
654 points by zikero 8 months ago | 161 comments
5. OpenAI scrapped a promise to disclose key documents to the public (wired.com)
614 points by nickthegreek 8 months ago | 300 comments
6. Appeals Court: FBI's Safe-Deposit Box Seizures Violated Fourth Amendment (reason.com)
410 points by walterbell 8 months ago | 180 comments
7. Train robbery for Amazon packages? More common than you think (nytimes.com)
255 points by tysone 8 months ago | 412 comments
8. Breaking Free from DRM: Hacking My Air Purifier (unethical.info)
365 points by unethicalinfo 8 months ago | 150 comments
9. Show HN: I wished for a site with a growing list of math problems, I built it (teachyourselfmath.app)
384 points by viveknathani_ 8 months ago | 92 comments
10. scrapscript.py (bernsteinbear.com)
316 points by surprisetalk 8 months ago | 75 comments
11. Show HN: Open-source Rule-based PDF parser for RAG (github.com/nlmatics)
293 points by jnathsf 8 months ago | 32 comments
12. BLIS: A BLAS-like framework for basic linear algebra routines (github.com/flame)
156 points by ogogmad 8 months ago | 45 comments
13. Balancing engineering cultures: Debate everything vs. just tell me what to build (fishmanafnewsletter.com)
248 points by rubyissimo 8 months ago | 122 comments
14. Lumiere: A space-time diffusion model for realistic video generation (lumiere-video.github.io)
336 points by jonbaer 8 months ago | 143 comments
15. How Euler Did It, by Ed Sandifer (maa.org)
205 points by nyc111 8 months ago | 103 comments
16. CRT Manufacturing (vintagetek.org)
130 points by throwup238 8 months ago | 61 comments
17. Show HN: Retriever – Securely share secrets over the internet (corgea.io)
193 points by asadeddin 8 months ago | 99 comments
18. ZX Spectrum Raytracer (gabrielgambetta.com)
231 points by ggambetta 8 months ago | 80 comments
19. Overpass Turbo: A Web Based Data Mining Tool for OpenStreetMap (overpass-turbo.eu)
215 points by stefankuehnel 8 months ago | 45 comments
20. Nicholas Saunders and "Alternative London" changed British food (theguardian.com)
107 points by fuzztester 8 months ago | 35 comments
21. SimSIMD: Hardware-accelerated similarity metrics and distance functions (github.com/ashvardanian)
160 points by sroussey 8 months ago | 36 comments
22. Turning an iPad Pro into the Ultimate Classic Macintosh (2021) (gingerbeardman.com)
119 points by surprisetalk 8 months ago | 35 comments
23. Mr. Rogers' music was intricate (2020) [video] (youtube.com)
149 points by CaliforniaKarl 8 months ago | 80 comments
24. Physics of 300-year-old firefighting methods could inform how our hearts work (phys.org)
51 points by wglb 8 months ago | 11 comments
25. Ultralight, strong, and self-reprogrammable mechanical metamaterials (science.org)
110 points by PaulHoule 8 months ago | 27 comments
26. Clickr, or a young man's Flickr clonejure (jmglov.net)
78 points by adityaathalye 8 months ago | 25 comments
27. Embracing Common Lisp in the modern world (juxt.pro)
183 points by joaogui1 8 months ago | 188 comments
28. Duplicity: Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup (duplicity.us)
143 points by GTP 8 months ago | 101 comments
29. Alaska CEO: We found many loose bolts on our Max planes (nbcnews.com)
453 points by aurareturn 8 months ago | 394 comments
30. The Itanic Saga: The History of VLIW and Itanium (abortretry.fail)
80 points by blakespot 8 months ago | 72 comments

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