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Some Strategies for Fast Lexical Analysis When Parsing Programming Languages (nothings.org)
2 points by quincepie 65 days ago | past
Minesweeper: Advanced Tactics (nothings.org)
3 points by Tomte 82 days ago | past
Herringbone Wang Tiles (2011) (nothings.org)
28 points by ustad 6 months ago | past | 3 comments
Why there is no stb_opus (2013) (nothings.org)
2 points by a1o 8 months ago | past
The Compositing Tree (nothings.org)
2 points by PaulHoule on May 24, 2022 | past
L-Systems Considered Harmful (2009) (nothings.org)
2 points by Tomte on May 24, 2022 | past
A Performance Comparison of Judy to Hash Tables (2003) (nothings.org)
2 points by osener on May 4, 2022 | past
3D Software Rendering Technology of 1998's Thief: The Dark Project (2011) (nothings.org)
126 points by wooosh on April 9, 2022 | past | 36 comments
Why the Web Sucks (You Just Don't Know It) by Sean Barrett (nothings.org)
5 points by prakashqwerty on March 8, 2022 | past
Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (2012) (nothings.org)
117 points by graderjs on March 8, 2022 | past | 43 comments
Progressive Tiling 2D Blue Noise Point Sets Encoded as Images (nothings.org)
2 points by Impossible on Aug 2, 2021 | past
I Found Myself in the Game Industry (2013) (nothings.org)
25 points by blewboarwastake on June 18, 2021 | past | 2 comments
How the stb_truetype Anti-Aliased Software Rasterizer v2 Works (2015) (nothings.org)
2 points by vg_head on May 11, 2021 | past
talk.bizarre Fail to Suck Day archives (nothings.org)
2 points by networked on Dec 1, 2019 | past
Micropayment Barriers (1998) (nothings.org)
65 points by henning on Nov 1, 2019 | past | 49 comments
Micropayment Barriers (1998) (nothings.org)
2 points by henning on Oct 26, 2019 | past
Some Strategies for Fast Lexical Analysis When Parsing Programming Languages (nothings.org)
30 points by userbinator on Sept 8, 2019 | past | 4 comments
Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (2012) (nothings.org)
134 points by vanderZwan on Nov 29, 2018 | past | 36 comments
The 3D Software Rendering Technology of 1998's Thief: The Dark Project (nothings.org)
2 points by ScottWRobinson on Sept 15, 2018 | past
Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (nothings.org)
2 points by obl on Aug 15, 2018 | past
The web sucks–you just don't know it (2004) (nothings.org)
2 points by carussell on April 10, 2018 | past | 1 comment
SSAO: Corners Don’t Look Like That (nothings.org)
2 points by taw55 on Oct 24, 2017 | past
Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (nothings.org)
3 points by madflame991 on July 13, 2017 | past
Iteration is Hard (1998) (nothings.org)
2 points by scandox on April 10, 2017 | past
Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (2012) (nothings.org)
1 point by adgasf on March 14, 2017 | past
Minesweeper: Advanced Tactics (2005) (nothings.org)
131 points by leni536 on Feb 4, 2017 | past | 50 comments
The 3D Software Rendering Technology of 1998’s Thief: The Dark Project (2011) (nothings.org)
113 points by luu on Jan 17, 2017 | past | 45 comments
Iteration Is Hard (1998) (nothings.org)
4 points by luu on Jan 13, 2017 | past
How the Stb_truetype Anti-Aliased Software Rasterizer v2 Works (2015) (nothings.org)
16 points by Tomte on Aug 10, 2016 | past
The Compositing Tree (2014) (nothings.org)
68 points by antigizmo on Feb 28, 2016 | past | 2 comments

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