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So You Think You Have a Power Law – Well Isn't That Special? (2007) (bactra.org)
1 point by memming 49 days ago | past
The Singularity in Our Past Light-Cone (2010) (bactra.org)
3 points by zetalyrae 89 days ago | past
Interpolation in Statistical Learning, Or, Memorizing the Training Data (bactra.org)
3 points by lukeplato 6 months ago | past
"Attention", "Transformers", in Neural Network "Large Language Models" (bactra.org)
300 points by macleginn 8 months ago | past | 76 comments
Computational Mechanics (2001) [pdf] (bactra.org)
4 points by gone35 9 months ago | past | 1 comment
LLZ – LLM via Lempel-Ziv Compression (bactra.org)
3 points by usgroup on July 15, 2023 | past
“Attention”, “Transformers”, in Neural Network “Large Language Models” (bactra.org)
2 points by iflp on July 13, 2023 | past
The Singularity in Our Past Light-Cone (bactra.org)
3 points by glennonymous on July 13, 2023 | past
Economics (bactra.org)
2 points by hackandthink on May 10, 2023 | past
“Attention”, “Transformers”, in Neural Network “Large Language Models” (bactra.org)
3 points by jeffreyrogers on May 9, 2023 | past
Noam Chomsky on Post-Modernism (bactra.org)
1 point by peanutcrisis on Feb 18, 2023 | past
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling sucks (Macroeconomics) (bactra.org)
1 point by hackandthink on Dec 18, 2022 | past
The Futurist Manifesto (1909) (bactra.org)
1 point by andsoitis on Sept 5, 2022 | past
Confidence Sets, Confidence Intervals (bactra.org)
1 point by Tomte on Aug 31, 2022 | past
Information Theory (bactra.org)
2 points by Tomte on June 10, 2022 | past
A New Kind of Science: Review by Cosma Shalizi (bactra.org)
2 points by cottonseed on April 9, 2022 | past
Import Substitution Is a Harsh Mistress (bactra.org)
7 points by another on Nov 24, 2021 | past | 1 comment
Review: The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design (bactra.org)
2 points by mpweiher on June 15, 2021 | past
On the Superiority of Sociology to String Theory (bactra.org)
2 points by agnosticmantis on Jan 22, 2021 | past
So You Think You Have a Power Law – Well Isn't That Special? (bactra.org)
1 point by hashingroll on Jan 9, 2021 | past
In Different Voices (2007) (bactra.org)
3 points by Kednicma on Aug 29, 2020 | past | 1 comment
“The Edge of Chaos” (2017) (bactra.org)
23 points by meanie on Aug 14, 2020 | past | 24 comments
Notebooks (bactra.org)
2 points by saadalem on July 28, 2020 | past
A Introductory Lecture on Epidemic Models (bactra.org)
1 point by czzr on June 4, 2020 | past
A New Kind of Science: A Rare Blend of Egomania and Insanity (2002) (bactra.org)
5 points by VHRanger on April 15, 2020 | past | 2 comments
Ebola, and Mongol Modernity (bactra.org)
1 point by bryanrasmussen on March 15, 2020 | past
Yet More on the Heritability and Malleability of IQ (bactra.org)
2 points by usgroup on Feb 17, 2019 | past
On Godzilla and the Nature and Conditions of Cultural Success (bactra.org)
1 point by pepys on Feb 11, 2019 | past
Gödel's Theorem (bactra.org)
143 points by bookofjoe on Jan 30, 2019 | past | 95 comments
In Soviet Union, Optimization Problem Solves You (bactra.org)
3 points by another on Jan 19, 2019 | past

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