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1. GQL – Git Query Language (github.com/amrdeveloper)
240 points by amrdeveloper 7 months ago | 64 comments
2. A half-hour to learn Rust (2020) (fasterthanli.me)
219 points by onderkalaci 10 months ago | 79 comments
3. Show HN: Rarbg on IPFS (ipfs.io)
704 points by rarbgipfs on June 4, 2023 | 128 comments
4. Postgres as a graph database (dylanpaulus.com)
624 points by elorant on March 31, 2023 | 141 comments
5. Show HN: Apple Notes Liberator – Extract Notes.app Data and Save It as JSON (github.com/hamburgchimps)
563 points by kello on March 26, 2023 | 105 comments
6. Introducing react.dev (react.dev)
748 points by clessg on March 16, 2023 | 468 comments
7. Ask HN: Share your favorite YouTube channels focused on mastering a skill/craft
212 points by hubraumhugo on Feb 5, 2023 | 127 comments
8. Wii U Architecture (copetti.org)
280 points by flipacholas on Oct 31, 2022 | 158 comments
9. How the clipboard works (whynothugo.nl)
228 points by dailymorn on Oct 25, 2022 | 151 comments
10. JSON Crack – A tool that generates graph diagrams from JSON objects (github.com/aykutsarac)
230 points by gjvc on Oct 8, 2022 | 45 comments
11. Ask HN: Can I see your scripts?
374 points by fastily on Aug 15, 2022 | 294 comments
12. Ask HN: First-time dad-to-be. What do you wish you'd known back then?
192 points by lllllll0 on July 4, 2022 | 332 comments
13. Many powered USB-C hubs with Ethernet kill networks when disconnected from host (twitter.com/chx)
20 points by unwiredben on May 5, 2022 | 4 comments
14. An Account of the Shanghai Lockdown (jaapgrolleman.com)
419 points by user_named on April 9, 2022 | 518 comments
15. Implementing Cosine in C from Scratch (2020) (austinhenley.com)
264 points by signa11 on March 29, 2022 | 134 comments
16. Running IntelliJ Idea with JDK 17 for Better Render Performance with Metal (mustafaakin.dev)
182 points by CSDude on Dec 24, 2021 | 197 comments
17. Mess with DNS (jvns.ca)
958 points by im2nguyen on Dec 15, 2021 | 87 comments
18. We tried to debug a microcontroller from our browser (golioth.io)
21 points by ChrisGammell on Nov 4, 2021 | 8 comments
19. I was rejected by Codecademy three times, so I built my own (codeamigo.dev)
832 points by plondon514 on Oct 28, 2021 | 250 comments
20. Masscan: TCP port scanner, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes (github.com/robertdavidgraham)
469 points by ducktective on Sept 28, 2021 | 130 comments
21. The traceroute hand is stealing your data (twitter.com/outoutxyz)
163 points by pjf on Sept 27, 2021 | 33 comments
22. AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A – How AWS signs and verifies API requests (shufflesharding.com)
83 points by Corrado on Sept 23, 2021 | 62 comments
23. Ask HN: Books that teach you programming languages via systems projects?
204 points by Foe on Sept 10, 2021 | 66 comments
24. SQLite-TUI: A TUI for viewing SQLite databases, written in Go (github.com/mathaou)
180 points by gjvc on Sept 3, 2021 | 42 comments
25. 404PageFound – Active Vintage Websites, Old Webpages, and Web 1.0 (404pagefound.com)
80 points by gabitoju on Aug 24, 2021 | 20 comments
26. Faster CRDTs: An Adventure in Optimization (josephg.com)
686 points by xnx on July 31, 2021 | 151 comments
27. Microsoft Re-Designs the iPod Packaging (2006) (youtube.com)
34 points by Apocryphon on July 23, 2021 | 3 comments
28. SQLBolt – Interactive lessons and exercises to learn SQL (sqlbolt.com)
324 points by karimf on July 15, 2021 | 84 comments
29. Monodraw: ASCII art editor for the Mac (helftone.com)
335 points by keehun on July 14, 2021 | 102 comments
30. Difftastic: Syntax-aware structured diff tool (github.com/wilfred)
297 points by ingve on July 8, 2021 | 61 comments

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