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1. Google Scholar PDF Reader (googleblog.com)
422 points by gerroo 3 months ago | 158 comments
2. Instinctive Sleeping and Resting Postures (2000) (nih.gov)
369 points by alecst 3 months ago | 177 comments
3. Passkeys – Under the Hood (kudelskisecurity.com)
158 points by paulgerhardt 3 months ago | 103 comments
4. Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft) (stanford.edu)
214 points by yeesian 3 months ago | 32 comments
5. A lock-free ring-buffer with contiguous reservations (2019) (ferrous-systems.com)
221 points by simonpure 4 months ago | 115 comments
6. Apache Superset (apache.org)
696 points by tosh 4 months ago | 190 comments
7. Trade-offs between Different CRDTs (interjectedfuture.com)
145 points by iamwil 5 months ago | 19 comments
8. Pocketbase: Open-source back end in one file (pocketbase.io)
630 points by dgudkov 6 months ago | 149 comments
9. Libwebsockets: pure C library for http, websockets, MQTT (github.com/warmcat)
171 points by seansh 6 months ago | 61 comments
10. From Nand to Tetris (2017) (nand2tetris.org)
667 points by mikpanko 6 months ago | 174 comments
11. Fantasy Map Brushes (kmalexander.com)
448 points by starkparker 6 months ago | 44 comments
12. 3Blue1Brown Calculus Blog Series (3blue1brown.com)
319 points by Tomte 6 months ago | 51 comments
13. Cosmopolitan Third Edition (justine.lol)
1205 points by jart 8 months ago | 240 comments
14. OnlyOffice: Free open source office suite with business productivity tools (github.com/onlyoffice)
232 points by NicoJuicy 9 months ago | 239 comments
15. LaTeX for tabletop (vladar.bearblog.dev)
148 points by gaws 9 months ago | 59 comments
16. 86Box v4.0 (86box.net)
114 points by gattilorenz 9 months ago | 19 comments
17. A collection of quant riddles with answers (nigelcoldwell.co.uk)
170 points by alexmolas 11 months ago | 36 comments
18. Lit: Simple, fast web components (lit.dev)
211 points by tambourine_man 11 months ago | 141 comments
19. Rust fact vs. fiction: 5 Insights from Google's Rust journey in 2022 (googleblog.com)
250 points by rhaen on June 27, 2023 | 224 comments
20. Show HN: Python package for interfacing with ChatGPT with minimized complexity (github.com/minimaxir)
129 points by minimaxir on June 19, 2023 | 35 comments
21. Convex Optimization (2004) [pdf] (stanford.edu)
117 points by newsoul on June 10, 2023 | 56 comments
22. Merklizing the key/value store for fun and profit (joelgustafson.com)
118 points by joelg on June 9, 2023 | 16 comments
23. Fq: Jq for Binary Formats (github.com/wader)
670 points by ingve on June 3, 2023 | 114 comments
24. Google Analytics alternative that protects your data and your customers' privacy (matomo.org)
208 points by doener on May 7, 2023 | 109 comments
25. Creating AI assistant with GPT and Ruby and Redis using embeddings (release.com)
113 points by erik_landerholm on April 26, 2023 | 25 comments
26. Transformers from Scratch (2021) (e2eml.school)
644 points by jasim on April 25, 2023 | 46 comments
27. Windows on Btrfs (lilysthings.org)
503 points by susam on April 21, 2023 | 231 comments
28. Understanding large language models: A cross-section of the relevant literature (sebastianraschka.com)
307 points by headalgorithm on April 16, 2023 | 31 comments
29. Self-Service SBOMs (github.blog)
63 points by zvr on March 30, 2023 | 54 comments
30. Show HN: Professional headshots for remote team with AI (headshotpro.com)
138 points by dannypostma on March 21, 2023 | 125 comments

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