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Merklizing the key/value store for fun and profit (joelgustafson.com)
118 points by joelg on June 9, 2023 | past | 16 comments
Merklizing the key/value store for fun and profit (joelgustafson.com)
3 points by joelg on May 5, 2023 | past
Syntax highlighting on the web (joelgustafson.com)
50 points by joelg on June 1, 2022 | past | 5 comments
Elementary Cellular Automata (joelgustafson.com)
40 points by joelg on Dec 28, 2017 | past | 5 comments
Elementary Cellular Automata (joelgustafson.com)
5 points by joelg on Nov 17, 2017 | past
One-dimensional Cellular Automata (joelgustafson.com)
3 points by joelg on April 22, 2017 | past
A ten-minute introduction to the Y Combinator (joelgustafson.com)
1 point by joelg on April 7, 2017 | past
One-dimensional Cellular Automata (joelgustafson.com)
1 point by joelg on March 9, 2017 | past
Show HN: Ozymandias, an MIT Scheme environment for the browser (joelgustafson.com)
3 points by joelg on Feb 15, 2017 | past
HTML Transclusions with WebComponents and HTML Imports (joelgustafson.com)
2 points by joelg on Dec 27, 2016 | past
Oracles and Bicycles (joelgustafson.com)
3 points by joelg on Sept 6, 2016 | past
Notes on Computation: Languages, Lisp, and the Art of New Ideas (joelgustafson.com)
2 points by joelg on June 28, 2016 | past

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