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1. Living in a Lucid Dream (noemamag.com)
127 points by holdit 20 days ago | 96 comments
2. WebAssembly for the Java Geek (javaadvent.com)
162 points by ingve on Dec 23, 2022 | 87 comments
3. Ask HN: Which books have made you a better thinker and problem solver?
354 points by newsoul on Nov 30, 2022 | 237 comments
4. Quirky computing books (github.com/fogus)
323 points by llvm on Aug 13, 2022 | 118 comments
5. Ask HN: What are some cool but obscure data structures you know about?
2051 points by Uptrenda on July 21, 2022 | 753 comments
6. The digital death of collecting (kylechayka.substack.com)
65 points by __Joker on Sept 27, 2021 | 63 comments
7. Cracking the case of London’s elusive, acrobatic rare-book thieves (vanityfair.com)
73 points by RickJWagner on April 5, 2021 | 42 comments
8. The Mayron Cole Piano Method is now free (freepianomethod.com)
413 points by jacquesm on Dec 24, 2020 | 264 comments
9. Introduction to Linear Algebra for Applied Machine Learning with Python (pabloinsente.github.io)
425 points by Anon84 on Nov 11, 2020 | 52 comments
10. When is no-code useful? (linus.coffee)
88 points by thesephist on Oct 28, 2020 | 82 comments
11. The No-Code Generation is arriving (techcrunch.com)
184 points by lxm on Oct 27, 2020 | 273 comments
12. A Brief Introduction to the Basics of Game Theory (ssrn.com)
181 points by sushicalculus on Oct 19, 2020 | 19 comments
13. Chaos Ink (scottdarby.com)
390 points by parisianka on Oct 17, 2020 | 82 comments
14. The Developer Experience Gap (redmonk.com)
95 points by mooreds on Oct 12, 2020 | 56 comments
15. 'Ugh fields', or why you can’t even bear to think about that task (medium.com/robertwiblin)
543 points by robertwiblin on Sept 11, 2020 | 135 comments
16. Essential Coding Theory [pdf] (buffalo.edu)
154 points by noch on Aug 18, 2020 | 19 comments
17. Free Textbooks from Springer, Categorised (hnarayanan.github.io)
542 points by hnarayanan on June 14, 2020 | 115 comments
18. Best Data Science Books According to the Experts (builtin.com)
284 points by mantshitla on July 24, 2020 | 60 comments
19. Eastern European Movies (easterneuropeanmovies.com)
388 points by danielam on June 24, 2020 | 178 comments

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