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1. Raspberry Pi Ltd is considering an IPO (londonstockexchange.com)
417 points by sohkamyung 51 days ago | 458 comments
2. Tire toxicity faces fresh scrutiny after salmon die-offs (phys.org)
177 points by NDAjam 65 days ago | 165 comments
3. Disrupting malicious uses of AI by state-affiliated threat actors (openai.com)
125 points by Josely 4 months ago | 84 comments
4. Effortless AI: No-Code Automation Using N8n Cloud and OpenAI Vision API (n8n-automation.com)
50 points by crazytest 5 months ago | 15 comments
5. Android 14's user-profile data bug (arstechnica.com)
188 points by concernedpix 8 months ago | 87 comments
6. Are any words the same in all languages? (duolingo.com)
242 points by spansoa 10 months ago | 494 comments
7. NASA's Oxygen-Generating Experiment Moxie Completes Mars Mission (nasa.gov)
49 points by sohkamyung 10 months ago | 26 comments
8. Inmos and the Transputer – Parallel Ventures (thechipletter.substack.com)
56 points by klelatti 10 months ago | 36 comments
9. AI isn’t good enough (skventures.substack.com)
172 points by MaysonL 10 months ago | 365 comments
10. The aging brain: is misplaced DNA to blame? (science.org)
119 points by nabla9 10 months ago | 23 comments
11. Uber posts first quarterly net profit (wsj.com)
219 points by boeingUH60 11 months ago | 391 comments
12. The Dutch government wants automatic permission to target victims of hackers (berthub.eu)
276 points by croes on June 11, 2023 | 86 comments
13. PayPal has restricted our account after we invoiced a key containing “ALEP” (twitter.com/littlesnitch)
688 points by jiripospisil on March 28, 2023 | 698 comments

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