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1. Bone tissue reparation using coral and marine sponges (stanford.edu)
140 points by alexandrehtrb 4 days ago | 65 comments
2. "Superintelligence" 10 years later (humanityredefined.com)
98 points by evilcat1337 4 days ago | 132 comments
3. The complete Code of Hammurabi (~1750 BC) (ehammurabi.org)
82 points by ubutler 1 day ago | 55 comments
4. The magic of small engineering teams (posthog.com)
258 points by andyjohnson0 4 days ago | 148 comments
5. High-altitude cave used by Tibetan Buddhists yields a Denisovan fossil (arstechnica.com)
145 points by namanyayg 4 days ago | 27 comments
6. Starcraft (A History in Two Acts) (filfre.net)
318 points by dmazin 3 days ago | 169 comments
7. A reawakening of systems programming meetups (eatonphil.com)
371 points by paulgb 1 day ago | 146 comments
8. Tao Te Ching translated by Ursula Le Guin (1997) (github.com/nrrb)
260 points by martythemaniak 3 days ago | 117 comments
9. Oldest cave art found (bbc.com)
193 points by rntn 5 days ago | 84 comments
10. Insights from over 10,000 comments on "Ask HN: Who Is Hiring" using GPT-4o (tamerc.com)
450 points by comcuoglu 4 days ago | 158 comments
11. Should this be a map or 500 maps? (escapethealgorithm.substack.com)
339 points by cromulent 6 days ago | 106 comments
12. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (July 2024)
488 points by whoishiring 7 days ago | 562 comments
13. New Warp Drive Model Requires No 'Exotic Matter,' Scientists Say We Can Build (2021) (thedebrief.org)
32 points by bilsbie 5 days ago | 16 comments
14. The legacy of Liverpool's forgotten synchrocyclotron (physicsworld.com)
53 points by sxcurry 5 days ago | 15 comments
15. The joy of reading books you don't understand (reactormag.com)
436 points by speckx 5 days ago | 250 comments
16. SVG: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (2021) (eisfunke.com)
85 points by fanf2 17 days ago | 59 comments
17. Electromechanical Lunar Lander (chrisfenton.com)
80 points by soopurman 18 days ago | 22 comments
18. Nobody knows what's going on (raptitude.com)
225 points by herbertl 19 days ago | 225 comments
19. Humans began to rapidly accumulate technological knowledge 600k years ago (asu.edu)
273 points by geox 21 days ago | 267 comments
20. Why "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" matters (2011) (eecs.berkeley.edu)
366 points by AlexeyBrin 22 days ago | 296 comments
21. Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power Since 1500 (calculatingempires.net)
120 points by zazerr 18 days ago | 18 comments
22. Gilead shot prevents all HIV cases in trial (bloomberg.com)
873 points by toomuchtodo 18 days ago | 412 comments
23. Innovation heroes are a sign of a dysfunctional organization (steveblank.substack.com)
348 points by sblank 17 days ago | 166 comments
24. Spending 3 months investigating a 7-year old bug and fixing it in 1 line of code (lemmy.world)
384 points by asicsp 17 days ago | 114 comments
25. Ted Chiang has won the PEN/Faulkner Foundation's short story prize (lithub.com)
233 points by bookofjoe 25 days ago | 117 comments
26. Starship survives reentry during fourth test flight (spacenews.com)
58 points by lordwiz 32 days ago | 30 comments
27. Most life on Earth is dormant, after pulling an 'emergency brake' (quantamagazine.org)
300 points by mgl 32 days ago | 244 comments
28. First proof that "plunging regions" exist around black holes in space (ox.ac.uk)
79 points by carbocation 51 days ago | 103 comments
29. Ask HN: What have you built with ESPHome, ESP8266 or similar hardware
192 points by fdw 72 days ago | 151 comments
30. DEC PDP-1 emulator running "Spacewar", the earliest known digital video game (masswerk.at)
105 points by smartmic 71 days ago | 43 comments

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