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1. Spudguns: Potato Cannon Guide (spudguns.org)
200 points by cenazoic 11 days ago | 146 comments
2. Monodraw (helftone.com)
996 points by saikatsg 4 months ago | 201 comments
3. Show HN: My AI writing assistant for Chinese (dpw.me)
74 points by dwilding 4 months ago | 28 comments
4. Show HN: CPU Prices on eBay (cpuscout.com)
152 points by attilakun 5 months ago | 89 comments
5. Building a fully local LLM voice assistant to control my smart home (johnthenerd.com)
699 points by JohnTheNerd 5 months ago | 186 comments
6. Reflecting on 18 Years at Google (hixie.ch)
2213 points by whiplashoo 7 months ago | 1040 comments
7. ChatPDF – Chat with Any PDF (chatpdf.com)
340 points by parmenid on April 19, 2023 | 135 comments
8. twitter/the-algorithm (github.com/twitter)
374 points by johns on April 25, 2022 | 380 comments
9. How do I opt my access point out of Google Location services? (support.google.com)
445 points by client4 on June 15, 2021 | 491 comments

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