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created:December 21, 2008
about:I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up :)

Right now I'm really drawn to Cocoa/Objective-C, and have started a CocoaHeads chapter in my area (Orlando, FL).

I've realized that I mostly lurk in online communities, but (thankfully) open up at local usergroups and the like.

I have a seldom updated blog (http://blog.jeffstieler.com/), and some code (http://github.com/jeffstieler/) you can look at, and on whim I make stupid stuff to get a laugh (http://fuckyeahitsfriday.com/).

I _just_ finished my first Mac app: http://movementapp.com/

Let's hack on something:

  Twitter: jeffstieler
  AIM: theycallmepost
  Email: jeff.m.stieler <at> gmail