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created:April 6, 2007
about:Am making the killer app of ecommerce. Have put 6 years into refining the concept, and have a total experience of 10 years in the industry segment.

Seeking two world class hackers to be my confidantes and co-founders. I have defined the path to success; I need you to translate it into logical components and hack away at it. First release can occur within 4 weeks of your sign-in. We follow the principles of agile dvelopment and the "release early, modify rapidly" mantra.

We will aim for a rapid exit, say 12 months from the date of first release, You will be challenged every step of the way, and this is not for the faint of heart. I will guarantee a minimum $250K exit to each of you, with unlimited upside via your negotiable equity stake.

I have a working model with paying customers. I need you to transform it into a scalable product so that it can meet the overwhelming demand.
