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created:February 26, 2009
about:I design and write software for a living and for fun.

With an INTJ Myer-Briggs personality type and an abstracted intellect, you may call me a natural geek.

My friends’ opinions of me range from subdued to profoundly eclectic. I used to believe that I was nearly as perfect as they come, but time and experience have changed my point of view. I now believe that I have a limitless capacity for improvement and take delight in the realization that my journey is only beginning.

I love to read. I believe that books hold the souls of the men who wrote them. Reading good books, therefore imbues you with the insight of the men who have walked the earth before you.

I am passionate about science, history, philosophy and the sub disciplines that comprise them. I practice calligraphy and play go when time allows.
