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created:October 4, 2007
about:Hi I'm David Parkinson (https://www.twitter.com/followdavid on twitter). I am life-long entrepreneur hailing from Lawrence, Kansas who started my first business @ 10 years old. I majored in Computer Science at UC San Diego then worked at Microsoft a few years before leaving to raise $500K for one of my businesses. Then I rode my motorcycle from Seattle => Ushuaia Argentina and back through Brazil [42,000 miles -- 18 countries]. Now I'm working in the Kansas City area on the various projects you can see below:


https://www.davidparkinson.com (Writing about personal excellence and entrepreneurship)

https://www.aroonilabs.com (Founder)

---Assorted Arooni Labs products:

https://www.phonemyphone.com (easily find your misplaced cell phone, or escape a boring meeting or date)

https://www.magicpresspass.com (save fistfuls of cash by getting in free to concerts, museums, national parks, tourist traps and more with a personalized press pass complete with a backing media organization)

https://www.adventurecopilot.com (the first ever adventure travel consultancy, focused on recruiting people who have completed extraordinary adventures like sailing around the world, climbing Everest, hitchhiking around the world, motorcycling around the world, etc).
